- A multi-user fully-functional Video Calling and Text Messaging Web Application
- Users could choose a basket of assets and automate periodic transactions on it without the need of providing a signature each time
- Secured prizes by Arbitrum and Scroll zkEVM at the ETHIndia’23 Hackathon
- Tools/Technologies : Solidity, Postgres DB, next.js, CRON Scheduler, Typescript, Arbitrum, Biconomy SDK
Tasker API
- A REST API which supports all the CRUD operations for a multi-user Task Manager Web Application.
- Tools/Technologies : Node JS, MongoDB, Javascript, Postman, multer.js, JWT Authentication
- A real time Weather Report Web Application
- Users can simply type the location they want weather information about and get it with a click of a button
- Tools/Technologies : Node JS, Javascript, Express, HTML, CSS, Weatherstack API
- A multi-user room-based anonymous chat application
- Users can share their live locations as well
- Implemented a profanity check to ban any abusive messages
- Tools/Technologies : Node JS, Express, Socket IO, Javascript, HTML, CSS